Sunday, October 9, 2011


Many organization today limit their productivity improvement efforts to the acquisition of skill only.How ever,
 it must be remembered that 85% of  productivity problems reside within the work environment of an organization.            
 the work environment,in deed, has inhibiting effect on the performance of employee.the kind of work environment in which an employee works determines the manner in which such organization will flourish.
 According to steel case(DEC.2004), an international work environment effectiveness company,which conducted  most recent work environment survey-"the ability of employes within an organization to share knowledge throughout the system depends on the condition of their work environment ; Nonetheless,the survey reveal that 1,500 corporate executives, facility managers and design professionals from various industries reported that many organization do not fully leverage their physical work environment to enable increased collaboration, innovation, and improved work effectiveness.
 More so,it has been observed, over the years,that employee tends to be more creative and productive in a well-facilitated work environment.
 Additionally, the amount or quality of comfort employee derive from their work environment determines the level of satisfaction and productivity.of such employees. With this fact, all economies,employer management as well as the trade unions generally accept the need to attain and maintain high level of employee productivity .
 Hence,employee productivity which is the result (I.e output) of employee's capability and  motivation in the work environment can not cannot be optimal, if the condition of the work environment are favorable.
 To this end,work environment  improvement will yield employee productivity improvement. For instance, development of Health facility which has a wider justification,will contribute to the personal capacity of employee in the work environment-for this will protect the life of limb of such employee, and, when injure in the course of work, assure him/her of some income. These income ,however, tends to remove any inhibitory fears of such employee to apply himself/hereself fully to work.
The problem of this research work lies on the fact that both management and employee of an organization,in most cases , are less considrate of work environment as having great impact on productivity of such organization. Management may view that low employee productivity result from worker's or employee's negative attitude to work such as incessant strike, industrial sabotage and lack of commitment to organizational goal or other factors which could be; employee's incompetence,poor training scheme etc
 In the like manner,employee's view with regards to low productivity may be ; poor pay system or irregular payment wages and salaries, absence of firinge benefits,autocratic style of leadership, wrong job location,unfavourable organizational change etc. therefore the problem arises as to  which kind of work environment should be maintained and sustained by an organization in order to improve employee's productivity so that such organization  will flourich all endeavors, In this case the problem to be address by this research work will centre  on the work environment and it impact on employee's productivity. with a well facilitated , favourable conducive,productive and qualitative work  environment, the problem of psychological pains to the employee's, employees's stress at work ill-health of employee etc. Will be minimized if not totally eradicated